
Lila App is your digital companion in every step of your treatment

Lila App allows for a holistic cancer care approach, bringing patients closer to their health institutions and insurers through various features in one platform, providing them with the support they need during their cancer treatment.

It offers psychology, nutrition, general medicine, question resolution, online scheduling, document sending, and video consultation services that contribute to improving their quality of life.

Access Lila

To access the benefits of the Lila App as a health institution or insurer, schedule your demo now!

If you are a patient, your medical institution or health insurance must support you in the registration and user creation process. Ask your doctor if they already have Lila App available for you, so you can download it on AppStore or Play Store and start using it.

Our history

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2019 2019 - 2020 Abril - 2020 Julio 2020 DRLcreaSVAASWellness,unafilialdedicadaaofrecersolucionesdesaluddigital.Aliviusseconvierteenpartedeestanuevaempresaysecreanversionesadaptadasalasnecesidadesdelos pacientes en otros países. 2021 Octubre 2021 Marzo 2022 LilaAppsiguecreciendoenelecosistemacolombiano,ofreciendounasolucióninnovadora,cercanayenfocadaenlasnecesidadesdelospacientesparamejorarsucalidadde vida durante el tratamiento. 2023 COLOMBIA

Our creators

SVAAS Wellness is a subsidiary of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories that focuses on providing medical support and holistic care to patients with cancer and other illnesses. SVAAS means “breath” in Sanskrit and is part of our commitment to the health and well-being of patients that goes beyond traditional pharmaceuticals.

We develop digital platforms such as Alivius in Brazil and Lila in Colombia, where we work in collaboration with insurers and health institutions to generate greater closeness between patients and their medical care team, increase adherence to their treatments, and improve their quality of life.

In addition, in Russia and South Africa, we offer physical and psychological care to patients with cancer and other illnesses.

If you want to learn more about our services and how we can help you or your loved ones, please visit our website.